Mark Gasser

Microbial Systems Biologist



Complete genome sequences of two new strains of the shipworm endosymbiont, Teredinibacter turnerae

Mark T Gasser, Ron Flatau, Marvin Altamia, Claire Marie Filone, Dan Distel

bioRxiv, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Preprints, 2024

Outer membrane vesicles can contribute to cellulose degradation in Teredinibacter turnerae, a cultivable intracellular endosymbiont of shipworms

Mark T Gasser, Annie Liu, Marvin Altamia, Bryan R Brensinger, Sarah L Brewer, Ron Flatau, Eric R Hancock, Sarah P Preheim, Claire Marie Filone, Dan L Distel

bioRxiv, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Preprints, 2024

Closing the genome of Teredinibacter turnerae T7902 by long-read nanopore sequencing

Mark T Gasser, Annie Liu, Ron Flatau, Marvin A Altamia, Claire Marie Filone, Daniel L Distel

bioRxiv, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, 2024, pp. 2024--07

Common analysis of direct RNA sequencinG CUrrently leads to misidentification of m5C at GCU motifs

Kaylee J Watson, Robin E Bromley, Benjamin C Sparklin, Mark T Gasser, Tamanash Bhattacharya, Jarrett F Lebov, Tyonna Tyson, Nan Dai, Laura E Teigen, Karen T Graf, others

Life science alliance, vol. 7, Life Science Alliance, 2024

An aquatic environmental DNA filtration system to maximize recovery potential and promote filtration approach standardization

Hayley M DeHart, Mark T Gasser, Jarret Dixon, Peter Thielen

PeerJ, vol. 11, PeerJ Inc., 2023, pp. e15360

Accumulation of endosymbiont genomes in an insect autosome followed by endosymbiont replacement

Eric S Tvedte, Mark Gasser, Xuechu Zhao, Luke J Tallon, Lisa Sadzewicz, Robin E Bromley, Matthew Chung, John Mattick, Benjamin C Sparklin, Julie C Dunning Hotopp

Current Biology, vol. 32, Elsevier, 2022 Jun, pp. 2786--2795

Comparison of long-read sequencing technologies in interrogating bacteria and fly genomes

Eric S Tvedte, Mark Gasser, Benjamin C Sparklin, Jane Michalski, Carl E Hjelmen, J Spencer Johnston, Xuechu Zhao, Robin Bromley, Luke J Tallon, Lisa Sadzewicz, others

G3, vol. 11, Oxford University Press, 2021 Apr, pp. jkab083

Complete genome sequence of w Ana, the Wolbachia endosymbiont of Drosophila ananassae

Mark T Gasser, Matthew Chung, Robin E Bromley, Suvarna Nadendla, Julie C Dunning Hotopp

Microbiology Resource Announcements, vol. 8, American Society for Microbiology 1752 N St., NW, Washington, DC, 2019, pp. 10--1128

Metabarcoding assessment of prokaryotic and eukaryotic taxa in sediments from Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary

Jennifer M Polinski, John P Bucci, Mark Gasser, Andrea G Bodnar

Scientific Reports, vol. 9, Nature Publishing Group UK London, 2019, p. 14820


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